36810. Alonso [] 24 Aug 2015 - 05:36 |
The United States order flagyl cheap bmx Mr. Timothy P. Flynn is Independent Director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Mr. Flynn was Chairman of KPMG International from 2007 until his retirement in October 2011. KPMG International is a professional services organization which provides audit, tax and advisory services in 152 countries. He was also Chairman (2005รยขรยรย2010) and Chief Executive Officer (2005รยขรยรย2008) of KPMG LLP, the U.S. and individual member firm of KPMG International. Mr. Flynn is a director of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (since 2012). Mr. Flynn held a number of key leadership positions throughout his 32 years at KMPG, providing him with perspective on the issues facing companies and the evolving business environment. Additionally, he has experience in financial services and risk management. Prior to serving as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Flynn served, among other positions, as Vice Chairman, Audit and Risk Advisory Services, with operating responsibility for the audit practice, as well as the Risk Advisory and Financial Advisory Services practices. Mr. Flynn holds a bachelors degree in accounting from The University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota and is a member of their Board of Trustees. He has previously served as a trustee of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, a member of the World Economic Forumรยขรยรยs International Business Counsel, and a founding member of The Prince of Walesรยขรยรย International Integrated Reporting Committee.