160242. Felipe [] 27 Jan 2020 - 03:58 |
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Under these circumstances, there is every reason to expect that changes in deficit policies will have direct effects on employment and output in ways that are not normal. Borrowing to support spending either by the government or the private sector raises demand and therefore increases output and employment above the levels they otherwise would have reached. Unlike in normal times, these gains will not be offset by reduced private spending because there is substantial excess capacity in the economy, and cannot easily be achieved via monetary policies because base interest rates have already been reduced to zero. Multiplier effects operate far more strongly during financial crisis economic downturns than in other times.
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After Lind's ruling, two military officials - Major General Michael Nagata, the deputy chief for the Office of the Defense Representative to Pakistan from 2009 to 2011, and Air Force Colonel Julian Chesnutt, a U.S. military adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan from 2010 to 2012 - testified behind closed doors on the impact of the WikiLeaks releases on relations with Islamabad.