145939. Anna [] 18 Oct 2019 - 07:41 |
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http://buylevitraonline.in.net/ levitra 20mg There are some possible shortcomings and objections to this analysis, starting with the fact that there is still a general election in November, and if de Blasio manages to lose that in a city where registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by more than 6-to-1, we shouldnรยขรยรยt read much into his primary results. Secondly, some may point to the candidates themselves, arguing that Thompson, Quinn and Liu were simply not very good examples of leaders for their communities and thus couldnรยขรยรยt command their votes in the way that, say, Dinkins did with the black vote in 1989 or Ed Koch with the Jewish vote in 1977. But thereรยขรยรยs something tautological about this argument: i.e., theyรยขรยรยre not effective leaders, because they canรยขรยรยt deliver their communitiesรยขรยรย votes becauseรยขรยรยฆtheyรยขรยรยre not effective leaders. Moreover, past candidates have performed better with equally modest community leadership credentials; in 2001, Betsy Gotbaum, whoรยขรยรยd been president of the New York Historical Society, received 71 percent of the womenรยขรยรยs vote in the runoff election for Public Advocate. And the argument would be more persuasive if these communities had other leaders who would have performed better with voters; there are none obvious on the horizon.
http://pornhd.in.net/ pornhdhdporn Zarate credits the Obama administration for its aggressive war on al-Qaeda leaders but says other policies are evidence of short-sightedness. Pulling troops out of Iraq without leaving behind a significant U.S. garrison, plans for a significant or total withdrawal from Afghanistan and a failure to take significant action in Syria show an administration acting "without looking at how those moves affect those countries in the future," Zarate said.