136332. Benedict [] 26 Jul 2019 - 03:14 |
I'm a partner in http://9taxi.in.net/ taxi69 This kind of duality gave rise to multiple confusions and tensions during the one year stint of the Brotherhood government. There was almost anarchy, as the government was not able to convince the liberal segment of Egyptian society to agree to their polices. As a result they turned to more radical groups, like the Gehadi, and Fundamental Salafists to support them. This was not without paying a political price, as instead of bringing those groups to the platform of Muslim brotherhood, who are basically moderate, the Brotherhood become Salfists and adopted far more radical polices, just to keep the radicals onboard. So the only avenue open to them was to hastily take quick steps to go on what become known in Egypt (Brother-ing the Egyptian State) which means putting their members and supporters in every layer of the state hierarchy -- Ministers, Governors, Ambassadors, and the like. This hasty move alerted other segments of society that took to the street demanding a correction, by either early elections or referendum. The rest of the story is now well known.