76709. Christian [] 09 Sep 2015 - 19:02 |
Yes, I love it! fluticasone prop 50mcg spray coupon The only things muslims have achieved are a) Getting on everyone else's nerves. b) causing all sorts of inconvenience in airports and on planes, c) Getting hard working dinner ladies sacked because they think their sky fairy will be furious about a bit of ham d)Getting council houses before everyone else e)Shooting girls for going to school f) Issuing instructions on how to beat your wife correctly, g) issuing instructions how to have sex with a goat then sell it in another village, h) issue death threats to croissants, i) Rape of non muslim children j) Tax and VAT evasion k) a fortune from crash for cash scams, l) inhumane suffering in Halal abbatoirs ) Women forced into subjugation and made to walk round in a black tent all their lives, m) blowing themselves to bits in the deluded expectation of taking the virginities of 72 virgins, demonstrating that although they subjugate women, they are really sex mad monsters. Have they never thought that their virgins may be male?