73164. Florencio [] 02 Sep 2015 - 23:24 |
I'm about to run out of credit best male enhancement pill uk @Leonardo โ I can understand your sentiment and agree with your evaluation of the overall big picture, however, lay-offs will not get to 0 because companies contract and expand, just a fact of life. The problem is that while there are declining lay-offs, there is also little or no hiring and much of the hiring being done is part-time and low wage positions, resulting in lower spending power, lower taxbase, lower std of living, etc. We could handle 300,000 lay-offs, what we canโt endure is the current WH occupant and leftist agenda expending all their effort on building a govโt dependent citizenry instead of promoting job growth and economic expansion. As long as Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and some of the other ancient and bitter Dems are in power, there will be no recovery.