62207. Adalberto [] 31 Aug 2015 - 02:02 |
When do you want me to start? buy antibiotics amoxicillin online uk download On the same day, Ackman unveiled his biggest bet ever with a $2.2 billion investment on Air Products & Chemicals Inc. Ackman said in a filing that he believes the company to be "undervalued" and an "attractive investment."
amoxicillin buy online uk bjj Whom is kidding Who?????? S.S. has been pretty much a dead issue for past 3 years... Let's face it we went 2 years, WITH (0) percent increase with maybeรยรย minimal increase in Medicaid costs, however, with MUCH GREATER COSTS with Hosiptal, Doctors, Medication costs, REACHING ANOTHER ALL TIME HIGH>>>>>> just check your bills, and receipts... This will never go away, as the government has already BLOWNรยรย what S>S and Medicare was all about over 25 years ago, thanks to our POLITICANS,,,,,and this will continue for many more years to come???? Our children and grandchildren,รยรย will pay a big price, not only for this but, NOW for the additionalรยรย TRILLIONS,,, which will be pissed away, thanks to our Senate, House, and President?????รยรย Why continue to beat a DEAD ISSUE....for the NEWS< and other LEACHES, such as newspeople, stock market analysts, etc.. THEIR ALL LEACHES AS WELL< cause the only thing they contribute is more negative and up to date nonsense, by the minute??????? and can't do anything except confuse the USA people even more.....