51591. Andre [] 28 Aug 2015 - 02:01 |
I'll put him on discount abilify coupons free Thing is, merely saying someone is not sexist does not alter reality if they truly are. Tony Abbott has been Prime Minister for a week and has just announced his ministry and cabinet. Of eighteen cabinet ministers chosen by Abbott, only one, Julie Bishop, the new Foreign Minister, is a woman. In Gillard's cabinet, there were seven. Of the 12 parliamentary secretaries chosen by Abbott, only one there is female, too. Abbott has excused his selection by saying that he's "disappointed" there aren't more women in his cabinet, but that it's been chosen "on merit" and there are women "knocking on the door" of cabinet in the outer ministry โ still, of course, heavily outnumbered by men. That Abbott's cabinet contains a Treasurer who couldn't correctly add up a costings document, an Attorney General who believes religious rights trump human rights and an agriculture minister who thinks equal marriage rights for gay couples might somehow affect his daughters' chances of finding husbands, the "merit" defence does not carry much weight. Especially not, as the Labor Opposition Leader pointed out today, Australia now has less female representation at cabinet level than Afghanistan.
get discount abilify over counter canada Mass demonstrations, often involving bloodshed, have become a recurrent feature of Thailand's turbulent politics in recent years, with ultra-royalist nationalist "Yellow Shirts" and their pro-Thaksin "Red Shirt" foes both taking to the streets.